CYCLONE RX6—To the West of Tibet

CYCLONE RX6—To the West of Tibet CYCLONE RX6—To the West of Tibet  Chinese motorcycle news MEGA CHINAMOTOR 26

August 3, 2021
Posted by: chinamotor

After nearly 10 days of riding, the RX6 riders finally arrived in Lhasa, the holy space of the soul. Along the way, they have experienced thousands of miles on the Yunnan highway, 13-hour extreme challenge of crossing the Bingchacha, the port of 5 kilometers snowy mountain along the 318 road and the variable extreme weather on the plateau.

CYCLONE RX6—To the West of Tibet CYCLONE RX6—To the West of Tibet  Chinese motorcycle news MEGA CHINAMOTOR 19

The fifth stop — Kashgar

On July 3, eight people have left Lhasa, Tibet, and arrived in Kashgar, Xinjiang successfully on July 11 after a nine-day journey. The road more than 2,000km includes the original Line 219, also the Xinjiang-Tibet Line. The highway starts from the 2140-kilometer road tablet in Chawu Township, Lhatse County, Xigaze City in the south to the zero-kilometer boundary stone in Yecheng County, Kashgar, Xinjiang in the north. The whole section of the road is claimed to be the road with the highest average elevation in the world. It also passes through the “Roof of the roof of the world-Ali”, with the average elevation of about 4,500m and an average annual temperature of 9 degrees below zero.

Along the way, more mountains with an altitude of more than 5,000m need to be climbed, and there are countless rivers. The Xinjiang-Tibet highway stretching more than 2,000km is full of loneliness, challenges and limits. If Bingchacha tests the limits of a rider’s endurance, then this Xinjiang-Tibet highway is a new challenge to their physical limits.

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Lhasa to Dingri, RX6 tried its hand at 500 kilometers

As the most classic section of the new G219 today, the road condition has been greatly improved, and the remaining biggest challenge is the high altitude. The average altitude of this section is 4,500m, and the elevation has reached more than 5,000m going into the Mount Everest Nature Reserve, completely walking on the top of the world.

On the first day of the 500-kilometer journey from Lhasa to Dingri, the eight riders had experienced the difficulties on this high-altitude journey. The weather was unpredictable all the way, sometimes sunny and sometimes rainy. In the afternoon, the team also experienced highland wind. However, the 8 members and motorcycles have overcome the influence of high altitude and have arrived successfully.

CYCLONE RX6—To the West of Tibet CYCLONE RX6—To the West of Tibet  Chinese motorcycle news MEGA CHINAMOTOR 26

Dingri to Zhongba, facing the biggest challenge

With the rising altitude, the unparalleled scenery of the great country on the Xinjiang-Tibet highway has also begun to appear, including snow mountains, lakes and the Gobi which stretches for hundreds of miles. The eyes are in heaven, the body is in purgatory, pain and happiness.

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Zhongba to Ali, met unexpectedly Kangrinboqe

As the members continue to adapt to high altitudes, when they come to the third day of the journey, the altitude sickness of them has been greatly improved. All of them also had the honor to see the full view of the holy moutain Kangrinboqe and the magnificent Lake Mansarovar is more memorable.

The motorcycles were also in good condition. Even at high altitude, the engine has adapted to the plateau, and the overall power output is very stable, throttle response is almost the same as at low altitude areas.

CYCLONE RX6—To the West of Tibet CYCLONE RX6—To the West of Tibet  Chinese motorcycle news MEGA CHINAMOTOR 06

Ali to Doma village, visiting Bangong Lake

The fourth day was the most relaxing day after setting out from Lhasa, riding more than 100km from the Shiquan River to Bangong Lake. People reveled in the beautiful scenery of blue water, red-billed gulls and long stretching of mountains. The stone tablet carved “never to yield an inch of territory” on the observation platform makes people feel unprecedented national pride.

With time passing, people and motorcycles have become more and more adaptable to the plateau. RX6 riders said that the charm of RX6 is to have an excellent high traffic environment adaptability. When running at high speed, it gives you the most stable cruise posture; when playing in the Gobi, it can also keep you company you to the end.

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Doma village to Yecheng, getting out of Tibet and heading into Xinjiang

Today’s journey is 840 kilometers long and they traveled across seven or eight high mountains along the way. The road condition of the Tibet section has gradually deteriorated, and even worse after entering the Xinjiang. Heavy rain, the exposure under the sun, snowstorm all the way even made you think that you have experienced four seasons.

Along the way, standing ride posture is commonly used. The design of multi-functional ADV RX6 takes this ride posture into consideration, and it is planned in advance in the design of the pedal, the shape of fuel tank and seat cushion and the width of handlebar.

CYCLONE RX6—To the West of Tibet CYCLONE RX6—To the West of Tibet  Chinese motorcycle news MEGA CHINAMOTOR 18


Xinjiang-Tibet highway over 2,000-kilometer covers almost all the complicated road conditions, and the average altitude of 4,500 meters adds to the difficulties of this section. Eight team members have overcome the discomfort of altitude sickness, and the flagship RX6 has also withstood the great test of the journey with excessive product strength. (Source: WeChat: cyclonemotor)

CYCLONE RX6—To the West of Tibet CYCLONE RX6—To the West of Tibet  Chinese motorcycle news MEGA CHINAMOTOR 14

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